Magnetic Anomaly in Yellowstone on the Solstice – Stuck in Customs

Magnetic Anomaly in Yellowstone on the Solstice

I didn’t change the colors here!!!! Let’s get that right out of the way. 🙂

I came to visit a friend in Yellowstone National Park over the weekend and for a few days next week. He has a beautiful ranch on the edge of the park in Montana and is inviting up a fairly eclectic group of intellectuals, mostly associated around various Libertarian think-tanks with which I am involved. I know it all sounds a bit heady, but it’s one of my fun academic cerebral diversions.

There are daily and nightly TED-like talks from plant biologists, entrepreneurs, geneticists, paleontologists, artists, and yours truly (who is giving a possibly-in-comparison presentation on humans evolving into a super-organism via online games and social networks).

The picture here was taken on the summer solstice in thin-crusted geothermal hotbed of the Norris Geysers. This particular place was not too far from something called the “whirlygig” (or somesuch).

The various colors are made from two merging rivers, each one with a dramatically different temperature. Different color bacteria live in each temperature of water – the red bacteria was over 160 degrees and the green was below 160. If anyone else was there during this same time, they can confirm the quirky nature of these dual rivers running in the same channel! 🙂

Magnetic Anomaly in Yellowstone on the Solstice