Fancy a Read? – Stuck in Customs

Fancy a Read?

Hey all… looking for some “Test Readers” for my new book! It’s basically all ready to go, but it would be great to get some more eyes on it for feedback or just silly mistakes! Now this isn’t a book about photography, although I do talk a bit about art and creativity and finding yourself and that sort of thing. I’d say it’s more about spirituality fused with a lifetime of science. The adventure began in Scotland where something rather unbelievable happened and I left the Earth for a while. Yes, you read that right.

There’s also all kinds of personal stuff in here, all sorts of struggles, TONS of inappropriate humor, and a lot of pretty awesome stuff I’ve figured out along the way. It’s like the craziest adventure of my life (which is saying a lot, as I’ve had some real crazy ones!) and I think you’ll love it. And, yes, it will speak to you more if you maybe feel like reality is a bit strange… or perhaps you are in some sort of awakening state of your own! 🤓🥰

We’ll pick some random people! Just email [email protected] if interested!