Tattooed Girl with Umbrella – Stuck in Customs

Tattooed Girl with Umbrella

America’s Top Model

I think I’ve seen that show above only three or four times.  It’s too frustrating… it’s frustrating because I keep trying to look at the cameras, the setup, the lighting, the backdrops, the assistants, and everything…  but they keep showing the model over and over again…

It kind of reminds me of when my dad took me to those variety shows in Vegas when I was a kid.  I kept wanting the “girl parts” to be over with so I could see more of the magic tricks…

Daily Photo – Tattooed Girl with Umbrella

One hard thing about Burning Man is not “getting used to” everything around you.  Believe it or not, after a few days, seeing interesting people wearing crazy clothes and doing wonderful things becomes quite commonplace.  It’s kind of like living inside a non-stop Cirque-de-soleil!

I was riding by on my bike and there was another photographer taking photos of this girl.  He had just finished, so I swooped in, jumped off my bike, and took a quick photo.  I felt a little bad about jumping in at the end of his photoshoot, but I figured that the Burning-Man-chill-attitude would make everything okay… and I think it did!

HDR Photo