The Dock in the Desert – and New Packages! – Stuck in Customs

The Dock in the Desert – and New Packages!

November announcement: Updated package offerings!

We updated the package offerings for you for the HDR Video Tutorial. If you click that page, you can see a little intro video that shows what the whole thing is about. Enjoy! BTW, as always, there is 100% money-back guarantee and we have a 24-hour support team to help you out at [email protected] — thanks 🙂

Daily Photo – The Dock in the Desert

Here is a new photo from the most recent Burning Man.

The playa is covered with endless artistic creations — every year new and fresh. This was a strange but inspired idea to build a dock that slowly rises out of the desert. It attracted all sorts of strange characters and activity.

I didn’t take out my main camera too much because of the sand problem, but I did for this occasion. This was a standard 5-exposure HDR with some cleanup to fix the problem of movement between frames.

She stood in the light while in shadow.  The path led endlessly into the fog and she saw it for what it was.  The path was just one, and she had already chosen.  In the distance, it fell away into a blue haze.  Every few steps would reveal something impossible and unforeseen.  What would appear next was beyond reason and what would appear underfoot would be enough to make any mortal’s heart shudder.  She had a hundred paths within her, even though she only stood on one.