20 Million Views – Thank you Everyone! – Stuck in Customs

20 Million Views – Thank you Everyone!

Hey y’all. I’m sure i don’t say this near enough – but thank YOU very much. I simply can’t believe the Flickr photos have been viewed over 20 million times. It’s just staggering, and I can’t thank you enough. I appreciate each and every view, each and every comment, and every email I get a chance to read. I apologize for not being able to attend to everyone’s needs and questions — I do my best while trying to keep a balance on everything else in my life.

I know many of you have enjoyed the HDR Tutorial – that is great. I’ll continue to update that in coming months, as always. I want to keep it fresh for everyone. As always, that free as a bird. I may make a video of that in the future… stay tuned to the “Videos” page on the website for that.

And thanks again for the good feedback on the new Stuck In Customs Textures Tutorial that launched yesterday. I’m really glad you like it… putting that thing together was not easy, but I wanted to try to find a way to encapsulate a lot of experience into about two hours of video.

Now, all of these Flickr Views put me in a mind to put up some of the top photos. Here is a selection of a few of the top ones that have gotten over 100,000 views each. I guess that means they’re generally well-liked!

20 Million Views - Thank you Flickr friends! (by Stuck in Customs)

One Night in Bangkok (by Stuck in Customs)

Heart of Satan - What it looks like when fireworks explode inside of a storm cloud over a river (by Stuck in Customs)

Aurorus Reflectus Colosseo (by Stuck in Customs)

Ghost in the Cathedral (by Stuck in Customs)

The Veins of Bangkok (by Stuck in Customs)

My Kinda Town (by Stuck in Customs)