HDR on the Front Page, while I enjoy my gross-looking but tasty-smooth soy green tea latte – Stuck in Customs

HDR on the Front Page, while I enjoy my gross-looking but tasty-smooth soy green tea latte

I was at Ethan’s birthday party this weekend and then found out that the weekend edition of the Austin American Statesman featured an interview with me on the front page of the Arts section. They decided to run it during SXSW here in Austin.

This week, the 2007 Bloggies winners will be announced, and www.stuckincustoms.com is nominated. Since I am a local Austinite, Omar over at the Statesman took an interest and came over for an interview a few weeks ago. The article turned out pretty well, and he only misspelled my name once! 🙂

In addition, here is a link to my HDR Tutorial that the article mentions.

HDR on the Front Page (while I enjoy my soy green tea latte)

Below are the three pictures that were featured in the article. Thanks to Omar and Nick for coming over for the interview and the good shots from Nick!

The Place Where Rebekka's Horses Run Free

The Icy Pit to Hell