The Sunset of Your Childhood – Stuck in Customs

The Sunset of Your Childhood

Haven’t your memories always been a little better than reality? That’s why reality kind of sucks sometimes (!) and it’s fun to escape into our mind’s eye. This is what I try to achieve through this medium. I also try to achieve it in real life, where it often fails in spectacularly sad ways.

But maybe our memories are better than we give ourselves credit for. Here I was in Disneyworld, as young as ever, and seeing this real place with these real colors and tones. I don’t paint over these photos…all these colors are really there, and they are the same ones that are mapped into your brain for all time. As you all know, I contend that many of us remember in HDR…

Anyway, I am piecing together a new version of my HDR Tutorial to be released some time around 2009. I’m thinking about how the process is evolving and moving forward, and I look forward to sharing it with you all soon!

The Sunset of Your Childhood (by Stuck in Customs)